Warcraft iii campaign how to#
Hard: If you are actually pretty good at the game, you can use hero and unit abilities to the maximum effect, you are able to micro units well, you know how to build an extremely effective army, and you know well what different abilities, items, and upgrades do, we recommend that you play on the Hard difficulty. Normal: If you know how the game functions, you are able to use hero abilities effectively, train a good mix of units, and create a good army, but you do not consider yourself as a super-good player, we recommend playing on the Normal difficulty. Select Gnoll Campaign in the file menu.Įasy: If you have been long time away from Warcraft III and you have not honed your skills to play the game lately, please choose the Easy difficulty.Select Single Player → Custom Campaign.Copy GnollCampaign-C1V1R6.w3n to the Campaigns folder.Create a "Campaigns" folder, if it does not exist.Open Application Support → Blizzard → Warcraft III.When you are holding the OPTION/ALT key down, the Library option will appear in the dropdown menu. Press and hold the OPTION/ALT key down, then go to the Finder menu in the top menu bar and open the "Go" menu.

If the Campaigns folder does not exist, you must create it.

Story-based - Loosely based on Warcraft III lore.