The second feature that makes Improvised Weapon shine is being an event that results in a fight action.

Ultimate backup weapon dog plus#
Plus if you don't use it, well it just sits in your hand or discard until you do. However if you are using it you probably want to be seeing combat options sooner rather than later. By making your deck bigger the more you use Improvised Weapon, the less likely you are to draw another card you might need. Even if this happens just once or twice a game your effective deck size is increasing by that amount, or to see it slightly differently, you have the potential to have more than two copies of Improvised Weapon in your deck without altering your deck size restriction. This means that although it only takes up one to two slots in deck construction, Improvised Weapon is effectively going to count as more copies of itself each time it is shuffled back into the deck. After use from the discard it returns to your deck, which depending on the class will almost always be getting smaller. In considering this back-up slot, something that may not be immediately obvious at first pass is the recursion potential of Improvised Weapon. If combat is a focus, just including 4 weapons (two main, two backup) in a deck is not necessarily ideal but the temptation can be to include more weapons, which of course can reduce the flexibility of the deck. There is still the need however for an alternative means of combat to hand in case you haven't drawn the main weapon, or you happen to be out of ammo/charges, or just want save ammo for the last swing. When building for an investigator that can take Improvised Weapon it is never going to compete for the main weapon slot. Having played around with Improvised Weapon my conclusion is it fits the slot of a versatile back-up weapon. Improvised Weapon - the ultimate back-up weapon? Quasi-guaranteed successes against 2 or 3 Fight monsters would be really useful. However, I think this could be interesting in the future if we get more effects that can reduce monster Fight and stack with this. And there are just not enough of those to justify this card, I think.

They can't hit with this at all, not unless they're playing an Easy or they're attacking a 1-Fight monster. except that they have 1 and 2 base Combat. Wendy and Pete, of course, can fodder off Improvised Weapon to their special abilities and then play the more powerful version from their discard pile. That's not great.įor all the investigators with high Fight and access to Improvised Weapon, like Mark or Yorick, this card seems clearly inferior to simply fighting with a weapon, and therefore not really worth the deck space.

Rats are generally not a card I worry about countering when I'm designing a deck, though.įor most investigators, there's the risk that Improvised Weapon gets stuck in your hand as a really weak event (attacking for 1 damage is not very good) that has no skill icons. But given that this card cannot stack with a weapon, it doesn't seem good for much.Ībout the only use I found is that this card is good against Rats (since reducing the test difficulty to 0 means almost a guaranteed success.) Solo Wendy can actually find Rats pretty irritating on high levels, so maybe there. I was trying to come up with a use for this card, and I'm got to say I'm pretty much stumped.